About us

Hi, my name is Casey and I want to welcome you to Placing the Pieces Academic Tutoring and Autism Support!  I am a Master’s certified Special Education teacher providing individualized educational tutoring services that fit your child’s needs.  For the past nine years, I have provided direct instruction to students inside the classroom. In 2022, I decided that I wanted to bring students the support they need while in the comfort of their home, community, or virtual platform.  Our goal is to aid and enhance your child’s school experience by assisting them in reading, writing, or math for grades K-5, while encouraging them to use a higher level of thinking for continued success.  First time utilizing a tutor?  Concerned that your child might not connect with an unfamiliar face?  No worries!  When I am not teaching, I am a proud parent of a tween. Both teacher and mom life have prepared me for this adventure and I am confident that you won’t regret this decision to give your child the tools they need for success! 

Our mission is to provide learners with equitable academic support that empowers higher level thinking to ensure student success through individualized tutoring.

“With the appropriate tools and support, children can do anything.”

— Casey, Founder of Placing the Pieces Academic Tutoring

Start the adventure today