Tutoring that fits

Weekly Sessions

Learners are provided up to 4 hours a week of individualized tutoring for a total of 9 weeks. We work around your family schedule to make sure your child’s needs are met.


No need to buy materials! Our professional tutors come ready and prepared with the necessary tools.

Grades K-5

Our tutors provide specialized instruction for students in grades K-5 with or without an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).


Supporting our learners is a team effort. We will work alongside your learner’s teachers and therapists to ensure consistency when implementing strategies for academic growth.

Multi-sensory Approach

No matter the content or assignment, we pride ourselves on providing hands-on activities that support growth and continued success.


We love creating individualized resources that help you support your child outside of the classroom. Whether it be a visual schedule, chore chart, token board, or social story, we have you covered!

Grow their confidence

Every opportunity is a learning experience and a chance for your child to feel more confident in their academic studies and beyond. With a fun safe environment and the right tools, we support and encourage our kids to climb to new heights and become the best learners they can be.

Team approach

Collaboration is key and we want to hear from you! Before services begin, we will take time to discuss a plan and the goals you would like your child to accomplish. We enjoy keeping our families involved and working side by side throughout the entire experience.

Keep their growing minds engaged